HOMESCIENCE Paper 1 Questions and Answers




INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided

  1. Outline three ways in which a cook can infect food with germs.                          3mks


  • State two points to note when using paraffin as a fuel.                                         2mks


  • Mention two ways of providing variety in meal planning and management.         2mks

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4. Analyze two effect of heat on vitamin C.                                                                 2mks


  • Identify two ways of controlling bed bugs in a home.                                          1mk


  • Differentiate between active immunizations and passive immunization.               2mks


  • State two factors that determine the type of media to use when advertising.         2mks


  • List any two ways of finishing wood                                                                      2mks


  • Name two stain removal agents used in removing a banana sap stain from your t-shirt



  • Mention two possible causes of stitches looping when sewing with a sewing machine



  1. Give two examples of stitches used to neaten raw edges                                 1mk


  1. Suggest two ways of managing foreign body in the ear                                  2mks


  1. Mention two dangers that arise from misuse of cosmetics                             2mks


  1.  Mention two disadvantages of steaming food                                               2mks


  1. Mention two points on prevention and control of round worms                    2mks


  1. Define the term consumer Education                                                            1mk


  1. State two factors that affect a budget                                                            2mks


  1. Mention two points to observe when using disinfectants during laundry.  2mks


  1. Fasteners are mainly functional on garments. Give two examples             1mk


  1. State two qualities of a well-made seam                                                   2mks


  • State three disadvantages of cash buying                                                3mks



INSTRUCTIONS: This question is compulsory. Write your answers in the spaces provided after the question

  •  Your parents are recovering from an attack of covid 19 and you are assisting them with house chores

(a) Explain the procedure for thorough cleaning a neglected and blocked stainless steel kitchen sink.                                                                                                8mks

b)  Outline the method you will use to clean a white washable cotton mask you had used the previous day.                                                                                                         7mks

c) Describe the procedure of cleaning a kitchen counter made of plain wood   5mks



INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any TWO questions from this section. Write your answers in the spaces provided after the questions

  • a) Discuss five reasons for sufficient ventilation in a sickroom                           10mks

b) Give four uses of eggs in cookery                                                                          4mks

  c) Briefly explain six points to consider when choosing an ironing board.               6mks

  • a) Explain three ways of avoiding food wastage in the kitchen.                 6mks

  b) State four ways of preventing cholera outbreak                                                  4mks

    c) Explain four ways of fulfilling the physical needs of an expectant mothers        8mks

d) Differentiate between print and electronic media advertising                              2mks

25. a) Briefly explain five points to consider when planning and serving meals for children


b) Explain the procedure of working gathers by hand on the waist of a skirt. Use well labelled diagrams to illustrate.                                                                              10mks

c) ) Briefly explain five reasons for using soft furnishings in the home                 5mks


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