English Set books Questions and Answers

A Silent Song and Other Stories Essay Questions and Answers-Set 2


Citing illustrations from Eric Ng’maryo’s Ivory Bangles, write a composition showing how established customs are difficult to change.



In some communities, marriage is regarded as a valued custom. Making reference to Abioseh Nicol’s The Truly Married Woman, write an essay in support of this statement.

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An Artist of the Floating World KCSE Essay Questions and Answers by Kazuo Ishiguro

6. War has a way of turning people’s lives inside out. Using specific illustrations from Ishiguro’s An Artist of the Floating World, write an essay to show the truth of this statement. (20 marks)

7. War is a social evil that should be avoided at all costs owing to its adverse consequences.  Validate the statement referring to Kazuo Ishuguro’s novel An Artist of the Floating World.(20 marks)

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Fathers of Nations Excerpt Questions and Answers-Set 2


Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)

“What followed?”

“Disaffection is what followed.” Comrade Melusi had finished his sadza. He was washing his

hands in a basin, with water the waiter was pouring down from a pitcher.

“I went back into business.” Now he was washing his lips, over the basin, which the waiter had

raised to his chin.

The visitor reached for his coffee and took a sip. “More like it!” he said. “Nice and hot,” he

added. Then he turned to Comrade Melusi. “Your new business, how did it do?”

“I can’t say it did well. Inflation was eroding incomes faster than they could grow. But I

survived. I didn’t live and work in as clean a suburb as I did before. I just could not afford the

rent there anymore. No, I had relocated to a slum in a poor part of Harare. But, hey, I was alive.”

He laughed, falsely. Sorrow was in his eyes. “Then there came Murambatsvina.”

“Then there came what?” asked the visitor.

“Murambatsvina”. It is Shona, meaning expelling the trash.”

“Please go on.”

“Bulldozers went from slum to slum evicting residents by tearing their homes to the ground.

Murambatsvina expelled us, the trash, all right. We got no advance warning before or alternative

accommodation after. Nobody cared whether we lived or died. We had to go. It did not matter

where. Just go!

“Did anyone explain why you had to leave?”


a) Briefly explain what happens immediately before the excerpt. (3 marks)

b) From the excerpt, comment on any two character traits of Comrade Melusi. (4 marks)

c) Identify, illustrate and state the effectiveness of the features of style in the above excerpt.

(4 marks)

d) Comrade Melusi had finished his sadza. (Begin: His sadza…) (1 mark)

e) But I survived. (Add a question tag) (1 mark)

f) Identify and explain the major theme in the excerpt. (2 marks)

g) From elsewhere in the text, explain what Comrade Melusi says was the true aim of

Murambatsvina. (2 marks)

h) Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the excerpt.

i. Disaffection

ii. Inflation

iii. Suburb

A Silent Song and Other Stories Essay Questions and Answers-Set 2

Fathers of Nations Excerpt Questions and Answers-Set 2

An Artist of the Floating World KCSE Essay Questions and Answers by Kazuo Ishiguro

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