CRE KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers-pp2

1 a) Describe the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:3-7.                                                                                  (7marks)         

b) Highlight seven ways in which the early life of Jesus prepared Him for His earthly ministry.          


  c) How do Christians today celebrate the birth of Jesus?                                                                (6marks)

2 a) Give six reasons why Jesus performed miracles during His earthly ministry.                          (6marks)

   b) Narrate the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:38-39.                                             (8marks)

   c) Why are miracles rare in Christian churches in Kenya today?                                                 (6marks)

3 a) Name the people who were in the squad that arrested Jesus.                                                  (6marks)

   b) Describe the Trial of Jesus before Herod in Luke 23:8-11.                                                       (8marks)

   c) Mention six evidences proving that Jesus resurrected from the dead.                                     (6marks)

4) a) Explain four effects of the Day of Pentecost to the disciples in Acts 2.                                  (8marks)

    b) Explain six Gifts of the Holy Spirit outlined in 1 Corinthians 12                                                      (6marks)

   c) Show how the gift of love is abused by Christians today.                                                         (6marks)

5 a) How is wealth acquired in Kenya today?                                                                                   (7marks)

  b) Explain four importance of introduction of money economy in the society.                             (8marks)

  c) Show how church leaders misuse their wealth in Kenya today.                                                 (5marks)

6 a) Outline four teachings of Jesus on Law.                                                                                    (8marks)

  b) Give reasons why punishment is a remedy to social disorder in the society today.                   (6marks)   c) Identify six areas of church-state co-operation in Kenya today.      

Answers to CRE KCSE Prediction Questions

1a) Describe the birth of Jesus in Luke 2:3-7.                                                                         (7mks)

  1. And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city.
  2. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, /Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
  3. to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.
  4. And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered.
  5. And she gave birth to her first-born son
  6. and wrapped him in swaddling cloths,
  7. and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.                          7X1

b) Highlight how the early life of Jesus prepared Him for His earthly ministry.                      (8mks)

  1. His birth was through God’s plan
  2. His conception was through the Holy Spirit
  3. He had parents who nurtured Him/ taught Him the culture of the Jews
  4. He underwent the Jews cultural rites that made Him fit socially among the Jews
  5. The Holy Spirit filled Him/ gave Him intellect/ wisdom to perform miracles
  6. He was born from a humble family, a sign that He came for the poor and needy
  7. He was sociable/ humble/passionate which made Him be accepted by many
  8. He was baptized where He got power to overcome the devil
  9. He did not marry/ was celibate which gave Him amble time to carry out God’s work
  10. God gave Him maximum protection right from birth until His death.                                      8X1

c) How do Christians today celebrate the birth of Jesus?                                                         (5mks)

  1. Through observing Christmas days
  2. By watching films concerning the birth of Jesus
  3. Through composing/singing songs on the birth of Jesus
  4. By having Bible study on the birth of Jesus
  5. By acting/ having role plays on the birth of Jesus
  6. Through preaching on the birth of Jesus                                                             5X1

2 a) Give six reasons why Jesus performed miracles during His ministry                    (6mks)

  1. To Prove His Messiaship/ that He was the true son of God
  2. To Glorify God
  3. To Show His Power over Satan
  4. To establish the Kingdom of God among mankind
  5. To show compassion to the suffering
  6. To increased the faith of the people/ His disciples on Him
  7. He performed the miracles as part and parcel of his Mission/ mandate/ministry                6X1

b) Narrate the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:38-39.                                         (8mks).

  1. And he arose
  2. and left the synagogue,
  3. and entered Simon’s house.
  4. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was ill with a high fever,
  5. and they besought him for her.
  6. And he stood over her
  7. and rebuked the fever,
  8. and it left her;
  9. and immediately she rose
  10. and served them.                                                                                                            8X1

c) Why are miracles rare in Christian churches in Kenya today?                                           (6mks)

  1. Many churches do not teach on miracles
  2. Most churches do not believe in Miracles today
  3. Some churches think miracles used to happen in the Bible days/ not for them in this generation
  4. Many churches prefer quick fixes than wait upon God/ lack patience
  5. Advancement in science and technology has brought false hope to many
  6. There are many fake miracles hence people do not believe in true miracles
  7. Emergence of false religion                                                                                            6X1

3 a) Name the people who were in the squad that arrested Jesus.                                            (6mks)

  1. Judas Iscariot
  2. The Chief priest
  3. The Pharisees
  4. Servants of the high priest
  5. Temple officials
  6. Roman soldiers                                                                                                                    6X1

Answers to CRE KCSE Prediction Questions

b) Describe the Trial of Jesus before Herod in Luke 23:8-11                                                   (8mks)

  1. When Herod saw Jesus, he was very glad,
  2. for he had long desired to see him,
  3. because he had heard about him,
  4. and he was hoping to see some sign done by him.
  5. So he questioned him at some length;
  6. but he made no answer.
  7. The chief priests and the scribes stood by,
  8. vehemently accusing him.
  9. And Herod with his soldiers treated him with contempt
  10. and mocked him;
  11. then, arraying him in gorgeous apparel,
  12. he sent him back to Pilate.                                                                                                8X1

c) Mention six evidences proving that Jesus resurrected from the dead.                                 (6mks)

  1. Empty tomb found by the women
  2. Assurance of the angel to the women who visited the tomb
  3. Testimony of the disciples on their way to Emmaus
  4. The scars of Jesus as was felt by Thomas
  5. Jesus’ appearance to the eleven disciples
  6. Jesus being seen ascending to heaven by the disciples
  7. The coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost                                                     1X6

4) a) Explain four effect of the events of the Day of Pentecost to the disciples in Acts 2.         (8mks)  

  1. The disciples became new men/ being transformed from being self centered to Go-centered people
  2. The disciples became bold/ fearless/ preached without fear
  3. The disciples became effective in their preaching
  4. There was unity among the disciples
  5. The disciples were empowered to perform miracles
  6. The disciples were bound in love/shared everything they had
  7. The disciples fellowshipped/ shared bread/prayed together
  8. There was geographical expansion of the church
  9. The disciples were led by the Holy Spirit in all they did                                                        8X1

b) Explain six Gifts of the Holy Spirit outlined in 1 Corinthians 12                             (6mks)

  1. the gift of Knowledge
  2. the gift of Healing
  3. the gift of Prophecy
  4. gift of Distinguishing Tongues
  5. gift of Interpretation of Tongues
  6. gift of Wisdom
  7. gift of Speaking in Tongues
  8. gift of Faith

c) Show how the gift of love is abused by Christians today.                                          (6mks)

  1. Some love to gain certain material benefits from people
  2. Some abuse love by getting into intimate relationships with people other than their spouses
  3. Some love temporarily
  4. Some love when it is convenient to their circumstances
  5. Some love to show off
  6. Some love out of compulsion                                                                                               6X1

5 a) How is wealth acquired in Kenya today?                                                                           (7mks)


  1. Inheritance
  2. Gifts/ presents
  3. savings
  4. farming/livestock keeping/crop husbandry
  5. donations
  6. wages from employment
  7. Compensation
  8. corruption
  9. Robbery with violence                                                                                                        7X1

  b) Explain four importance of introduction of money economy in the society.                        (8mks)

  1. it has led to a currency system of trade, which is less cumbersome/ more convenient
  2. it increased peoples’ desire to acquire formal education, so that they can get well paying jobs
  3. it enhance international trade between countries
  4. it has led to the emergence of working classes where people look for employment                                                                                                                                                              4X2

  c) Show how church leaders misuse their wealth in Kenya today.                                           (5mks)

  1. buying church positions
  2. corrupting members
  3. faking miracles to get more wealth
  4. hiring non-believers to perform certain duties in the church
  5. living lavish lifestyles
  6. creating a class of their own league                                                                                5X1

6 a) Outline four teachings of Jesus on Law.                                                                           (8mks)

  1. He challenged his listeners that the man was not made for the law but law for man by healing on a sabbath
  2. Jesus affirmed that He did not come to abolish the law of Moses but to fulfill it.
  3. Jesus gave a new meaning to the laws
  4. He summarized the Decalogue into two/golden rule/ the double commandment of Love
  5. From His teachings, the Law is to protect the lives and property of people in society
  6. Jesus urged His disciples to abide by the rules of the state i.e paying taxes                             7X1

  b) Give six reasons why punishment is a remedy to social disorder in the society today.        (6mks)

  1. Punishment discourages would-be offenders from committing crimes
  2. It instills fear so that the offence is not repeated
  3. Sometimes, it is administered to reform the offender
  4. It protects society against anti-social behavior/ protects their rights
  5. It inflicts pain on the offender, not to repeat the offence
  6. It is also administered to reform the offender                                                                       6X1

    c) Identify six areas of church-state co-operation in Kenya today.                           (6mks)

  1. in preparation of syllabus content/ materials for religious studies
  2. in national buildings/ provision of social amenities e.g schools, hospitals
  3. work together in dealing with social problems e.g HIV/AIDS
  4. during consultative services such as constitution review
  5. in promoting employment by promoting vocational skills
  6. joins hands during public functions
  7. in the provision of recreational facilities                                                                               6X1

Answers to CRE KCSE Prediction Questions


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