Silent Song and Other Stories KCSE Prediction Questions and Answers


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  1. The desire to amass wealth at the expense of others causes suffering. Validate this assertion by referring closely to Chimamanda Adichie’s story, Ghosts.  
  2. Humans are deceitful in nature and can live in pretence before revealing their true nature. Write          an essay in support of this. Use the story The Truly Married by Aboise Niol.
  3. “War causes a lot of harm and thus should be avoided at any cost.”  Validate this statement basing your illustrations from Chimamanda Adichie’s ‘Ghosts 
  4. Godwin SiunduA  silent song and other stories

“People with admirable traits stand out in the society.” Basing your illustration on Vrenika Pather’s story, Ninema, write an essay to prove the truth the above statement.                   (20mks)

5. Godwin Siundu, A Silent Song and Other Stories

Ninema serves as an example of a virtuous woman who should be emulated in the society. Using illustrations from the short story “Ninema” by Vrenika Pather, discuss this assertion.

6. People living with disability may face certain limitations. Using illustrations from Leonard Kibera’s A Silent Song, write an essay to validate this statement.Godwin Siundu: A Silent Song and other stories.

7. Drawing illustrations from the story ‘A Silent Song’ by Leonard Kibera, write an essay demonstrating the plight of people living with disability. A Silent Song and Other Stories (ed.); Siundu Godwin

8. When one is gifted, they should strive to use their gifting for the good of others. If such gifts are used for selfish reasons, they may end up miserably. Using examples from Mahfouz story A Man of Awesome

Power, write a composition in support of this statement.                                                 

9. Even in the face of challenges, we need to maintain our principles. Using Vrenker Pather’s ‘Ninema’, write an essay to support this statement.                 (20 marks)

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