Form 1 English End Term 1 Exam 2023 With Marking Schemes

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Your friend in primary school is in form one in Bidii Secondary of P.O Box 341, Kisimani. She has written to you telling you about her new school. She has also requested you to carry your end of term one examinations for comparative analysis. Write your reply to her.


A neighbor had left (1)_______________________ store un attended (2) ____________________ she heeded the cries of her (3)_________________________ baby. Her kitchen caught fire, and the flames (4) ________________ to the neighbouring shacks in (5)_______________________. There was no (6)_______________________________ available and no fire (7)__________________________ for the people to call. (8)_____________________________ that the assembled crowd of hundreds (9)__________________________ do was gather buckets of sand and (10)_______________________ into the flame.


  1. In the following sets of words, identify the underlined speech sound that is odd from the rest and write it down.                                                                                                                                (5mks)

For example:

Cup, Queen, Kettle, Cease – Cease

  1. Gene, Judge, June, Gap                ……………………..
  2. Chair, Chord, Chore, Chain          ……………………..
  3. Phase, Plight, Fame, Freight         ……………………..
  4. Think, Than, Theatre, Thought     ……………………..
  5. Cynic, Census, Sugar, Sample      ……………………..
  6. For each of the following words, write a word that is pronounced the same way                       (5mks)
  7. Principle    ……………………………………..
  8. Dye           …………………………………….
  9. Weak         …………………………………….
  10. Stationery  …………………………………….
  11. Sent           …………………………………….
  12. You have noted that your deskmate Vivian has a poor handwriting. State two factors that might have contributed to this                                                                                                                         (2mks)


  • In Form One, one makes new friends. Write three things that you can do when introducing yourself to a new person, so as to appear friendly                                                                                            (3mks)



Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:-

The communicative power of the English language

Once it used to be said that “the sun never sets on the British Empire”. This meant that the British Empire covered all the time zones, so that when the sun was setting on one part of the Empire, it was rising on another.

The same thing can be said about the English language today. English is spoken as a first language in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. It is also spoken in the Caribbean countries like Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana among others. In addition to this, English is used as a second language in over fifty countries spread across Africa and Asia. This means that when you have a good command of English you can enjoy the writings of people from all over the world, and you can communicate your ideas beyond the borders of this continent.

We in East Africa embraced the English language accidentally through the colonial experience. English came in as a welcome addition to our already rich language situation of over forty local languages and Kiswahili. In fact the majority of Kenyans today are multilingual. They use at least three languages: a local language, Kiswahili and English. A good number of others speak a fourth language which may be either French, Spanish, German, Japanese or Arabic among others.

The local or ethnic language bonds a person to the history, culture and religious traditions of his or her people. If you speak one of the ethnic languages, for example, you are able to enjoy the songs, dances, stories, proverbs and riddles in that language. It also helps you to communicate with the older folks who may not understand English or Kiswahili.

Kiswahili is the national language in Kenya and is used by people from all the ethnic groups. When one speaks and understands Kiswahili, one can communicate with people from all over Kenya. Kiswahili is in fact a “regional language”, because it is spoken in a number of countries in East and Central Africa. Lately, Kiswahili was indeed adopted as one of the working languages at African Union meetings. Kiswahili, therefore, opens opportunities beyond the borders of Kenya.

After Kenya attained independence, English was retained as the official language because it was, and still is, a great advantage for many of our operations. Though the original speakers of English were the people living in the British Isles, English is now spoken as a first language in two other continents, North America and Australia. It is also the second language for millions of people living all over the world. Therefore, with English you can be

at home anywhere in the world. English provides us with a powerful link to the global village.

Recent developments in modern technology have enhanced our ability to speak, read, write and understand English well. Many of the computer programmes available, for example, are made to respond to instruction given in English.

English is also important for participation at the international level. Many reports and records on recent developments, science and other special research are in English. There is much more written literature in English than there is in any other language. Therefore, a student who can read and write English well is at an advantage.

In international news broadcasting, users of English are greatly advantaged. The prominent international news networks broadcast in English. English thus enjoys a prestigious position in the communication of events taking place in the world.

For those who want to be part of what is happening in the world, English is a very important tool. What does this mean for those of us in Africa and Asia, where English is learned mainly in school? There is need to put a lot of effort in the teaching and learning of this language so that we can be part of the vast changes taking place in the world today.


  1. What is the meaning of the clause “the sun never sets on the British Empire?”                          (2mks)


  • In which region is English spoken as a second language, according to the passage?                  (1mk)


  • State two advantages that a person who has a good command of the English language has       (2mks)


  • How did English come to East Africa?                                                                                        (1mk)


  • Why is East Africa and particularly Kenya refered to as having a rich language situation?       (2mks)



  • What is the benefit of being able to speak one of the ethnic languages in East Africa?              (2mks)


  • What is the official language in Kenya?                                                                                      (1mk)


  • How is English useful in modern developments in technology?                                                 (2mks)


  • What makes a student who knows English to be at an advantage over one who doesn’t know? (2mks)


  1. What can speakers of English in Africa and Asia do to avoid missing out in what is happening in the world today?                                                                                                                                 (1mk)


  1. What is the meaning of the following words according to the passage?
  2. Multilingual……………………………………………………………………………………..


  • Adopted……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • Prominent…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  • Vast………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Fill in the blank spaces in the following passage with the most appropriate article (4mks)

___________________________ banana tree is _______________________________ strange looking plant. It grows very quickly and in less than _____________________________ year will reach a hight of seven metres or more. Usually, prunning needs to be done and one can take more than ______________________________ hour to finish an acre.

  1. Choose the correct word from the ones in bracket and use it to fill in the blank spaces           (4mks)
  2. “I am sorry for the ________________________,” said my friend. (loose, loss)
  3. Why have you ________________________ to eat raw bananas while we have ripe ones in the store? (chose, chosen)
  4. We ___________________ for our president each time we get an opportunity. (pray, prays)
  5. Who ____________________ the bell this morning? (rang, rung)
  6. Complete the sentences below using appropriate reflexive pronouns.                                     (4mks)
  7. The boy was beside___________________________ with fury for missing the penalty.
  8. Let us not deceive ____________________ that life is a bed of roses.
  9. When one faces challenges, one has to encourage __________________________ that things will just be fine.
  10. A house devided against ____________________________ cannot stand.
  11. Use the plural forms of the words in brackets to fill in the blank spaces. (4mks)
  12. You surely do not need three ___________________________. (radio)
  13. Remember to buy grandmother some _______________________ .(potato)
  14. The two ________________________ met so that they could make strategic plans for their locations. (Chief).
  15. The two _____________________ disappeared into the nearby bush. (deer)
  16. Use the most appropriate word to fill in the blank spaces so as to form questions.                  (4mks)
  17. ____________________________ is your mother? Is she a nurse or a teacher?
  18. _______________________________ did you find at the shop? Tom or Mary?
  19. ____________________ of these bags is yours? The red one or the green one?
  20. ________________________ pen is this? Is it Wilson’s or Kennedy’s?.


Read the following story and answer the questions that follow

The Monkey and The Crocodile

A long long time ago. Monkey and Crocodile were very good friends. The Monkey’s house was close to a river and there were many fruit trees on the banks of this river.

Usually monkey would sit on the branches of the fruit trees and chat with his friend Crocodile who would be basking on the banks of the river. Their friendship continued for a long time until they decided it was time to introduce their wives to this friendship. “We have been friends for a long time and you don’t even know my house, Crocodile began.

“Neither do you know mine,” Monkey replied. “It is easier for you to come to my-house that it is for me to visit you since I cannot swim and your house is beyond the water.”

“That is not a problem. I can always carry you on my back,” responded crocodile. “Let us visit my house first. My wife is a very good cook,” Monkey argued. “No” replied Crocodile “My wife has had a baby and there is plenty to eat in the house.”

“Let us not argue about this,” Monkey said.”If we go to my house first, my wife will not be anxious when I tell her I am going across the waters to visit you.” They agreed that they would visit Monkey’s house first. Though at first Monkey’s wife was afraid of crocodile, she later realized that Crocodile was very friendly. She did not have problems with her husband visiting him. In fact she wished she would join him.

Monkey was very excited the following day when he got to the banks of the river and found Crocodile waiting for him. This was going to be Monkey’s first trip across the waters and he could not hide his excitement. He jumped onto Crocodile’s back and Crocodile swiftly swam towards the deep waters.

When they were in the middle of the river, crocodile slowed down and began, laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” Monkey asked in surprise “You fool. Did you think I would take you to my house? I have waited for that heart of yours for a long time. Today I have it.”

Immediately Monkey knew he was in deep trouble. He started thinking of a way out of his predicament.

“Poor you, my friend: Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” Monkey calmly asked. “What do you mean?” asked Crocodile in surprise “It is not difficult for me to give you my heart. If you had asked when we were at my house. I would even have given you my wife’s heart too,” Monkey replied.

Crocodile was confused.

“Then why don’t you give it to me now?” Crocodile asked.

You see my friend; Monkeys have a tradition of leaving their hearts at home when they are going for a long journey. I therefore left mine on my favourite tree.” Crocodile was even more confused.


“We can go and visit your wife first, and then I will give you my heart when you take me back,” Monkey suggested.


“No,” cried crocodile “I will take you back first. When 1 have your heart, we can then visit my wife.”


Quickly, Crocodile headed back to the bank of the river. When they got there, monkey jumped from Crocodile’s back onto his favourite tree. He asked crocodile to open is mouth wide to receive the heart. Monkey then picked the biggest of the mangoes on the tree and threw it into Crocodile’s open mouth. It fell in with a thud, breaking four of Crocodile’s teeth. Crocodile was so upset but there was nothing he could do as Monkey jumped from tree to tree insulting him.

From that day Monkey and Crocodile have remained enemies. And that is the end of my story and may I not end like it.



  1. Classify this narrative and give reasons for your classification                                                  (3mks)


  • Name two characters found in this story                                                                                     (2mks)


  • a) Using an adjective, describe monkey’s character trait that enabled him save his life from the crocodile                                                                                                                                         (1mk)


b) Illustrate your answer                                                                                                             (2mks)


  • What economic activity is practiced by the people from whom this narrative was collected?  (2mks)


  • Write a proverbs that summarizes the narrative and explain how this proverb applies to the narrative



  • Apart from your answer in A1 above, name two other types of narratives that you know of


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