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  1. Functional writing                                                                                       (20mks)

Imagine you have met a friend in a supermarket who, for five years used to be a close friend to you in secondary school. You two got separated immediately after you sat for K.C.S.E examination. Write the dialogue you hold from the time you meet to the time you part.

  • Cloze test                                                                                                    (10mks)

Fill in each of the blank spaces in the following passage with the most appropriate word

Inter religious leaders have called on the government to involve them 1………..sensitizing faithful to take up Covid – 19 vaccines. This, 2…………….say, will help meet the 10 million vaccination target set 3……………..the Health Ministry.

4……….Christian and Muslim leaders said they would use informal and 5…………channels to encourage followers to 6…………….the jabs.

“I stand on the 7………………..every Sunday to inspire and pray for the faithful. What if I add messages to encourage 8……………..uptake?” said Moses Shiribwa Smith, former regional coordinator of the National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK), Western region. “As a religious leader, 9………………want to see people lead 10………………lives to continue worshipping God,” he added.

  • Comprehension                                                                                         (20mks)

Read the following comprehension passage and then answer the questions that follow.


A bill of rights is a written list of rights and freedoms of citizens of a country. It is designed to recognize, protect and preserve the dignity of people. It is therefore an important part of Kenya’s constitution. The bill is a guidance for ensuring that no citizen is treated unfairly. The right to life is a basic right. Every person has a right to live. The life of a person begins at conception. Abortion is, therefore not permitted except in cases where the life of a mother is in danger. It is therefore a crime to take another person’s life.

Every person is equal before the law, and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Before the law, there should be no difference with regard to a person’s sex, religion, political affiliation, race or status in society. The law should be applied in all cases equally. For instance, if the law states that the punishment for stealing is imprisonment, it should be applied in all cases whether the person who has stolen is a Christian or Hindu, male or female, master or servant.

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The state shall not discriminate directly or indirectly against any person on any basis including race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, health status, ethnic or social origin, colour, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, dress, language or birth. People should not discriminate directly or indirectly against others on the same basis. For instance, if a student performs well in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) they should not be denied admission to secondary school because of their religion, race or culture. The state will therefore, take specific measures to ensure that people are not discriminated against.

Women and men have the right to equal treatment including the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social activities. In addition, both men and women have an equal right to inherit, have access to and manage property. Any law, culture, custom or tradition that undermines the dignity, welfare, interest or status of women or men is prohibited. For instance, although in some cultures all property including land belongs to the men, the constitution states that women have a right to own property too. By law, women in such a community can insist on their right to own land and property.

In the proposed revised constitution of Kenya, the state shall take measures to ensure that women and their rights are protected. The state shall also provide reasonable facilities and opportunities to ensure that women realize their full potential and advance in the society.

The youth constitute an important part of the society and are entitled to enjoy all rights and freedoms set out in the bill of rights, taking into account their unique needs. The state shall try to ensure that the youth have access to quality and relevant education, training and employment. The youth shall also be given a chance to participate in governance. The state shall also ensure that the youth have enough chances in the social, political economic as well as other areas of national life. The youth, like other citizens have a right to associate with others to further their interests within the limits of the law.  They are also entitled to protection from any culture, custom, tradition or practice that undermines their dignity or quality of life. They should lead a life free from exploitation, discrimination or abuse.

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It is the duty of every state to observe respect, protect, promote and fulfill the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Laws, policies and other measures should be used to ensure that these rights and freedoms are recognized. A person has the right to complain to the commission of human rights and administrative justice, and take legal action if the rights or freedom are violated, infringed or denied.


  1. What is a bill of rights?                                                                                       (1mk)


  1. Explain the purpose of the bill of rights?                                                            (2mk)


  1. State two rights mentioned in the passage?                                                          (2mks)


  1. In what ways, according to the Bill of Rights, are women treated as equal to men? (3mks)


  • Explain how the state can ensure that the rights and freedoms of the youth are safeguarded?  (3mks)


  • Explain, using an example how you can be discriminated against because of your age religion or sex?                                                                                                (3mks)


  • To whom can people complain if their rights are violated or denied?           (1mk)


  • Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage             (5mks)
  • Dignity
  • Promote
  • Infringed
  • Violated
  • Unique
  • ORAL SKILLS                                                                     (20mks)

I miss you in the morning

I miss you late at night

Just to think about you

Is my joy and my delight

I can’t wait to see you;

Please hurry and come back

You always make me happy;

You have that special knack

  1. Identify two examples of rhyming words used in this poem.                        (2mks)


  • Apart from rhyme Identify and illustrate two sound patterns used in this poem.(4mks)




  • Write down words pronounced the same as the following words.     (5 mks)
  • Cell            …………………………………………….
  • Die             …………………………………………….
  • Flour    …………………………………………….
  • Idle            …………………………………………….
  • Knight       …………………………………………….
  • Underline the silent letters in the following words.                           (5mks)
  • Bomb
  • Ghost
  • When
  • Knot
  • Wreck
  • For each of the words below, write two sentences to bring out different meanings of the word.
  • Refuse                                                                                        (2 marks)


  • Contest                                                                                       (2 marks)


  • POETRY                                                                   (10 marks)


Cloudless and regal burns the day

Over the sand of Africa.

Parrots curl their golden feet

Round ebony boughs, and drink the heat,

While the lizard sees from his limestone ledge,

The burnt air dance at the precipice edge.

Four thousand feet in the sky’s pale arch

See also  Form 2 Geography End Term 1 Exam 2023 With Marking Schemes

The lazy armies of clouds march;

 Four thousand feet in the plain below

Straw huts drowse and the stream winds slow.

Lilies and crocodiles flower in the mud,

And teak logs spin in the wayward flood.

Like noon’s own spirit burns the day

Over the beaches of Africa.


  1. Identify three pairs of rhyming words                                                               (3mks)


  • Give any two lines or phrases that are repeated in the poem.                       (2mks)


  • Give the meaning of the following words                                                    ( 3mks)

      regal    (stanza 1)…………………………………………..

      ebony  (stanza 2)…………………………………………..

      ledge   (stanza 2)…………………………………………..

  • Give an example of personification.                                                                  (1 mk)


  • What do you think is the meaning of the line: “Lilies and crocodiles flower in the mud”?          (2 mks)


  • Grammar                                                                                                                (20mks)
  • The sentences below are erroneous. Rewrite by correcting the errors.     (4mks)
  • The playfull puppy ran besides me.


  1. The boy ran passed me.


  1. I will not come late untill late in the knight.


  1. The two restlers are arguieng again in the ring.


  • Rewrite the sentences below according to the instructions given without changing their meanings.                                                                                    (5mks)
  • I don’t know if a person has glue or not.

Use “anyone”


  1. He is the father of my wife.

Begin: He is my…


  1. I go to Malaysia at a time like this next week.

Correct the error


  1. That was the biggest mistake she made.

Rewrite to end: ……made!


  • I have not seen him for three days now.

Shorten the underlined words.


  • Choose the more suitable option from the bracket to fill in the blank space.   (5mks)
  • …………………………………….stars are there in the sky? (how many, how much) 
  • ………………………………….water is in the lake? (how many, how much)
  • There is ………………………………at the gate. (anything, something)
  • She met a………………………….of tourists on her way to school. (flock, tribe)
  • There was a …………………………….of cats at the beach. (army, nuisance)
  • Fill in the most suitable preposition.                                                                  (3mks)
  • I feel really sorry …………………….his daughter.       
  • I have to be polite …… everyone.                                   
  • You shouldn’t be angry ……….her for revealing your secret.                           
  • Put the most suitable form of the word in brackets.                                       (3mks)
  • The cat chased its tail ……………………………………………. (frantic)
  • Today another probe was …………………………………………….launched. (success)
  • In their eyes shone …………………………………………… (happy)

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