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- Name the five major divisions of Old and New Testament. (5mks)
- Outline four similarities between traditional African view of evil and Christian understanding of sin.(8mks)
- Outline five activities of David that showed he had faith in God. (5mks0
- Give five ways in which Christian enhance the true worship of God today. (5mks)
- Outline the role of God in African Traditional African society. (5mks)
- Highlight factors that have brought changes in African Traditional African society(5mks)
- Outline Jeremiahs prophecy concerning the messiah (6mks)
- Describe the call of the first disciples.(8mks)
- State five lessons that Christian learn from the call of the first disciples. (5mks)
- Describe the transfiguration of Jesus (8mks)
- Identify six ways in through which the church continues with the healing ministry of Jesus Christ (6mks)
- Narrate the parable of the shrewd manager (Luke 16:1-13) (8mks)
- With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teaching of Jesus on proper use of wealth (Luke 16; 19-31). (5mks)
- Give five reasons why Christian pray. (5mks)
- Identify six ways in which Christians prepare themselves for the second coming of Christ.(5mks)
- Give six reasons why Peter denied Jesus.(6mks)
- list five names that are used to refer to Lord’s Supper today.(5mks)