National School Mocks- CRE Paper 2 Kapsabet Boys Trial 2

Kapsabet Boys 2022 KCSE Prediction CRE Exam Questions

1.   a) Outline Nathan’s prophecy concerning the coming of the messiah.                (6mks)

b) Describe the birth of John the Baptist according to Luke 1:57-79.                  (7mks)

c) Give seven reasons why Christians sing in church today.                               (7mks)

2.   a) Outline seven teachings of Jesus from the sermon on the plain on true discipleship.                                                                                                                                           (7mks)

      b) Using examples give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Jewish,      

religious leaders inGalilee .                                                                                  (8mks)

c) Outline Five ways in which the church leaders are preparing in the society for the second

coming of Jesus.                                                                                        (5mks)

3. a) Narrate the parable of the great feast.                                                    (7mks)

b) Identify seven teachings of Jesus on eschatology according to Luke 21:5-38.(7mks)

          c) State six reasons why Christians celebrate the last supper today.               (6mks)

     4.  a) Give seven instructions  Paul gave to the church in Corinth on how to use Spiritual

gifts.                                                                                                                (7mks)

           b) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride Rev.2:1-2

         2 cor11:2.                                                                                                           (6mks)

         c) Outline the importance of the Holy Spirit to Christians today.                    (7mks)

  5.  a)  Outline seven moral duties of employers to employees.                                (7mks)

         b) Mention seven factors that determine a just wage.                                       (7mks)

    c) Show how retrenchmentof workers affect their families.                                   (6mks)

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