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  1. Name two breeds of camel (2 mks)
  • Give two factors which characterize small scale farming (2 mks)
  • Give two examples for each of the following categories of water pipes
  • Metal pipes                                                                                                           (1 mk)
  • Hose pipes                                                                                                             (1 mk)
  • State two factors that influence the quality of farmyard manure (2 mks)
  • Name three farm records that should be kept by a poultry farmer (3 mks)
  • Describe three properties of nitrogenous fertilizer (3 mks)
  • Give three reasons for using certified seeds for planting (3 mks)
  • Describe the procedure followed in preparing seed potatoes for planting. (3 mks)
  • Differentiate between olericulture and pomoculture as used in crop production (1 mk)
  1. Give three factors to consider when choosing a nursery site. (3 mks)
  1. Give two advantages of crop rotation (2 mks)
  1. State three disadvantages of mono – cropping in crop production (3 mks)
  1. What is meant by the following words:
  2. Pruning (1 mk)
  1. Rouging (1 mk)
  1. State three reasons for maintaining livestock in good health. (3 mks)
  1. State three uses of water in the body of the animal. (3 mks)
  1. List two methods of testing soil pH in agriculture. (2 mks)



  1. An experiment was carried out with three different soils. The soils were put in different capillary tubes of equal sizes. The capillary tubes were placed in water trough containing water. The results after six hours are shown in the diagram below. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
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  1. What was the aim of this experiment? (1 mk)
  • Name the soil A, B and C (3 mks)
  • State two ways of improving soil C for growth of crops. (2 mks)
  1. The diagram below illustrates the stages of life cycle of a tick. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
  1. Describe the development of ticks at stage 1, 2, 3, and 4. (4 mks)
  • Classify the tick on the basis of the life cycle. (1 mks)
  • Give three non – chemical methods of controlling ticks. (3mks)
  1. The diagram below illustrates a nursery practice. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
  1. Name the practice. (1 mk)
  • Give a reason why the tool labeled E is important in the practice illustrated. (1 mk)
  • What is the appropriate stage of growth for carrying out the illustrated practice in vegetables? (1 mk)
  • Explain two activities that ensure the illustrated practice is called out successfully. (2 mks)
  1. The diagram shows the digestive system of cattle. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
  1. Name the parts labeled N, P and Q. (3 mks)




  • State one function of the parts labeled (2 mks)



  • Give one enzyme produced by each of the parts labeled R and S. (2 mks)



  1. A member of Young Farmers Club in Sabasaba secondary school was advised to apply fertilizer 30:20:10 in a tomato plot measuring 10m by 5m at the rate of 300Kg per hectare. (1 ha = 10,000m2)
  2. State the percentage of:
  1. P2O5 in the complete fertilizer (1 mk)
  1. K2O in the complete fertilizer. (1 mk)
  • Calculate the amount of fertilizer the member would require for the plot. Show your working. (2 mks)
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  • Describe the production of kales under the following sub headings
  1. Nursery preparation (3 mks)
  • Management of seedlings in the nursery (4 mks)
  • Give one condition under which blossom end rot disease may occur in tomatoes (1 mk)
  •  State five effects of strong winds in crop production. (5 mks)
  • Explain eight environmental conditions that may lead to low crop yields (8 mks)
  • State four advantages of irrigation (4 mks)
  • Describe signs of ill health in livestock (10 mks)
  • Describe five farming practices that help to achieve minimum tillage. (5 mks)

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