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1. State two biographical books in the  Bible.                          (2mks)




2. Mention two attributes of God  according to creation accounts.             (2mks)




3. State two reasons why Moses was  reluctant to go and rescue Israelites in Egypt (2mks)




4. Identify two failures of King  Solomon.                                          (2mks)




5. State two features of the caananite religion during  the  time of prophet Elijah ( 2mks)




6. Give two ways in which the church in kenya can assist prisoners                   (2mks)




7. List two responsibilities of African towards the Sprits in the traditional Africa   society                                                                                                                               (2mks)




8. Identify two  rituals  associated with death in  the traditional African society ( 2mks)




9. State two characteristics  of Jesus according to  angel sent to Mary ( LK 1: 26- 38)





10. Give two ways in which  the church can use modern technology to spread the good news.                                                                                                 ( 2mks)




                                                          SECTION B

Answer any four questions in this section.

11 a) State five promises made  to Abraham by God.                        (5mks)







b) Describe  the covenant making incidence between God and Abraham (10mks)







c) Identify five  ways in  which  one  can indicate to be a Christian     (5mks)







12a)  State five reasons why Idolatry spread among Israelites after settling in Caana (5mks)

See also  2023 July Eagle Mocks With Marking Schemes







b) Describe the contest between prophet Elijah and Baal prophets at mount carmel











c) Give five reasons why Christians should avoid corruption in their lives. (5mks)







13a) Identify five reasons why bride wealth was  important in traditional African  community                                                                                        (5mks)







b) Explain the importance of Kinship in traditional African society   (10mks)










c) State five forms of irresponsible sexual behaviours in  our society today (5mks)







14 a) State five prophecies by prophet Isaiah that refers to the character of messiah

( Isaih 61: 1- 2)                                                                                  (5mks)







b) Explain five reasons why the Birth of Jesus was extra-ordinary (10mks)













c) Describe the dedication of Jesus . (LK 2: 21-40)                            (5mks)







15a) Identify five teachings of John the Baptist ( Lk 3: 1-20)  ( 5mks)







b) Explain five reasons why Jesus was baptized ( Lk 3: 21-22) (10mks)













c) Give five ways in which   a Christians can support the poor in the society. ( 5mks)







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