AVIATION PAPER 1-Questions and Answers


SECTION A(44 marks) Bunyore

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided

  1. (a) State four safety precautions to observe while using oxygen cylinders for welding.                                                                                                                            (2 marks)






 (b) Explain the following terms as used in aircraft fire protection.       (2 marks)

  1. Firewall.



  1. Extinguishing. ………………………………………………………………………………………



  • (a). State four requirements for one to be a commercial pilot.   (2 marks)






(b). List any four roles of an airhost/hostess as part of the flight crew.







  • Sketch each of the following aircraft hardware and label any two parts.
    • Countersunk rivet.                                                                                   (2 marks)
  • Turn buckle.                                                                                            (2 marks)
  • Stud.                                                                                  (2 marks)

4.(a) State four advantages of flying an aircraft in the stratosphere layer.







  • State four effects of lightning on an aircraft in flight.             (2marks)







  • Outline three reasons why an aircraft maintenance engineer in a busy working environment would experience abnormal moods and poor decision.                (3marks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………





  • (a) Differentiate between the following terms as applied to aircraft  materials;
  • Mechanical properties                                                                                    (1mark)



  • Chemical properties                                                                                        (1mark)



  • xplain four advantages which make aluminium alloys best suited for aircraft fabrication.                                                                                         (4marks)






  • An aircraft with a rectangular wing is flying at a speed of 849.6 kilometres per hour at sea level conditions experiences a resistance of 128 KN. If the wing span of the aircraft is 25m and chord of 20m;find the value of drag coefficient in 4 decimal places.         (4marks)






  •  (a) If you to cut a female and male thread, explain with reason which one will you cut first.                                                                                                         (2 marks)






 (b) Outline procedure for cutting a male thread on a mild steel metal.

(4 marks)






  • An aircraft left airport A (120°E, 20°N) at 0900 hours on Mondays. Calculate the time it is expected to arrive at airport B (150°W, 20°N).                                   (3marks)






  1. (a)Outline two essential information contained in a title block on a drawing.                                                                                                                                            (1 marks)





(b) Figure1 shows three views of a longitudinal beam of an aircraft fuselage drawn in first projection. Sketch in good proportion an isometric drawing of the beam.                                                                                         (3 marks)


Answer any FOURquestions from this section in the spaces provided.

  • (a) Differentiate between the following terms as used in aircraft structure.
  • Strain
  • Stress                                                                                  (1 mark)






  • State two functions of each of the following structural members of an aircraft.                                                                                  (3 marks)
  • Longerons






  • Spars ………………………………………………………………………………………





  • Bulkhead ………………………………………………………………………………………





  • Using well labelled sketches, explain any four structural stresses acting on an aircraft parts.                                                                     (6 marks)
  • Describe the construction of Pratt truss fuselage.                        (4 marks)
  • (a)   (i) Explain induced drag.                                                      (2mark)





(ii) Using drag/velocity graph illustrate the effect of speed on drag. (3marks)

(b) Explain how the following factors affect lateral stability:

(i) Low wing                                                                  (1 ½ marks)





(ii) Dihedral wing                                                            (1 ½ marks)




(c)  Explain the three degrees of dynamic stability using sketches.      (6marks)
















  1.  (a). Give any SIX ground operations done on an aircraft on the ramp area.                                                                                                 (3marks)








(b). Outline the function of FIVE safety equipment carried on an aircraft. (5marks)













(c). Wanjala has just stepped into the JKIA terminal building and intends to travel to Hong Kong. Outline the stages he will go through before finally boarding the flight to his destination.                                            (6marks)










  1.  (a) ( i)Draw a cross-section of a cylinder piston assembly and show the following;    
  2. Cylinder
  3. Piston
  4. Connecting Rod   
  5. Stroke                                                                             (3 marks)









(ii). With the aid of sketches, explain the basic principle of thrust generation by each of the following

  1. Propeller
  2. Jet engine                                                                                 (4 marks)











(b) With the aid of a sketch, explain construction of a typical dry sump lubrication system   of reciprocating engine. (7 marks)

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