SECTION A (30MKS) Bunyore Girls
Answer all the questions in this section.
- State four causes of stress in poultry. (2mks).
- State four factors that determine the amount of feed an animal consumes (2mks.)
3. State four advantages of artificial calf feeding. (2mks.)
- Name two methods of service in livestock breeding (1mk).
5.Name two species of camel. (1mk).
- State four functions of vitamins in livestock body (2mks.)
7.Define the following terms (2mks).
(a) Cockerel-
(b) Broiler-
(c) Ewe-
(d) Kid—
8. List two main parts of a farm building. (1mk).
9. State two reasons why lubrication or greasing of farm machines is important (1mk).
10. Give two reasons for seasoning timber before it is used for construction. (1mk).
11. State the functional difference between a drenching gun and a bolus gun. (1mk).
12. Name four tools which a farmer uses for dehorning cattle. (2mks).
- List two reasons why bees are fed with syrup (1mk).
- Differentiate between inbreeding and outbreeding (1mk).
15. Identify four abnormalities which can be identified in eggs through candling (2mks).
16. Name two dual purpose breeds of sheep (1mk).
17. State four factors which influences the rate of respiration in farm animals (2mks).
- Mention four preventive measures farmers uses to control diseases in animals (2mks).
- State four harmful effects of lice in sheep. (2mks).
- Name two examples of two host ticks. (1mks).
Answer all the questions in this section.
- Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows.

- Identify the tool. (1mk)
(b).Name the parts labeled .(3mks).
A ——————————————————————————————
B ——————————————————————————————
C ——————————————————————————————
- State two maintenance practices of the tool above (2mks).
- Using Pearson’s square method, compute a 200 kg ration with 20% DCP from oats which contains 10% DCP and sim sim seedcake containing 60%DCP (3mks).
23.Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.

- Identify the parts labeled (2mks).
J —————————————————————————————————
K —————————————————————————————————
L —————————————————————————————————
M —————————————————————————————————
- State one use of the part labelled L. (1mk).
(c) State one reason why it is important to have the structure labelled M at the edge of the roofing materials. (1mk).
- Below is an illustration of a sheep with parts marked E, F and G.

(a)State the operations that are carried out on the parts labelled (2mks).
(b)State two reasons for carrying out the operation identified in E (2mks).
(c) At what age should the operation stated in E be carried out. (1mk).
(d).State two methods of carrying out the operation named in E. (2mks).
Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided.
- (a).Give nine reasons why the battery cage system of rearing poultry is popular for used by large scale poultry farmers. (9mks.)
- Describe five management practices carried out on a fish pond. (5mks).
- Describe six symptoms observed on a calf heavily infested with internal parasites (6mks).
26.(a)State six advantages of animal power over tractor power in seedbed preparation.(6mks).
(b)Explain nine factors to consider in siting farm structures (9mks).
(c)State five importance’s of farm buildings. (5mks).
27.(a).Name two causes of pneumonia in livestock. (2mks)
(b)State four predisposing factors of pneumonia disease in livestock (4mks).
(c).Describe four types of stores that can be found on a farm. (8mks).
(d).State six differences between Petrol and diesel tractor engines. (6mks).
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