a) Read the oral narrative below and then answer the questions that follow:

Bushbaby and Chameleon

 A long time ago, all the animals of the forest called a meeting. At the meeting, it was decided to organize a racing content to determine the fastest animal in the jungle.

          Among the participants in the race was the famous Bushbaby. Now, Bushbaby was the most feared animal in the forest on account of her speed and agility. The other animals felt that this was going to be a walkover for Bushbaby. And so they all hesitated. Even other fast runners like Antelope and Gazelle hesitated. However, Chameleon came forward and said he  would compete against Bushbaby. Now, this drew a jeer from the crowd. Who didn’t know that  Chameleon was among the  slowest animals in the jungle?

          This, however, didn’t discourage him. He reiterated his decision to challenge Bushbaby in the race. The race started with  the blowing of a whistle. Bushbaby set off like lightning.  But before she could pass Chameleon, the latter threw his hands out and held onto Bushbaby’s long hairy tail. He clung to it like a magnet.

          At the finish line, Chameleon was the first to sit down. As Bushbaby was preparing to sit, she heard a firm voice from behind her.

          “Hey,  my friend. Don’t sit on me”. This was Chameleon talking. He had won the race.And there ends my story. But may I not end with it. 


  • Classify the oral narrative.                                                                     (2mks)
  • How can we justify that this is an oral narrative?                                   (6mks)
  • If you were performing this oral narrative, how would you perform the statement by Chameleon: “Hey, my friend, don’t sit on me!”                                (2mks)
  • Your younger sister is trying to compose a poem with a rhyme scheme. She has come up with the following list of words. Advise on any three pairs of rhyming words (3mks)
Worn          sky              have             beat
Pay joy               feet             mean
Destroystar             lean
Are moan           dear
Mourn          love             starm
Nun none
  • Underline the letters representing the sounds that are silent in the following English words:                                                                                         (5mks)

Comb, would, pedal, buffet, yacht.

  • Correct the mistakes in the following sentences so that they are both meaningful and grammatical.                                                                                         (4mks)
  • Their is a liver running across the pack.
  • A pig boy shore the bully pit the girl and reported the incident to the hate boy.
  • The Minster is a whitely-red men.
  • Your unkind words hart my hert though not as much as the small hut heart my head.
    • List four words with the following sound symbols:                              (4mks)
  • Give suitable responses to the following conversation.                         (4mks) “Why are you not in class?  Asked the teacher.

…………………………………………………………………………………………., answered Njeri.

“Why are you being punished? ”

……………………………………………………………… ……………replied the student.

“You should not be bullying the younger students!”

…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………responde d the student.

“When you have completed the punishment, come to my office.”

…………………………………………………………………………………,replied the student.



(a)          Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow (8 MKS) One afternoon, a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally the little did come along and she was carrying the basket of food. Are you carrying the basket to your grandmother? asked the wolf. The little girl answered,

 “ ”Yes I am.” So the wolf asked the girl where her grandmother lived. When the girl told him, he disappeared to the woods.

When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother’s house, she noticed there was somebody in bed with a night cap and a night gown. She realized that it was the wolf, so the little girl took a gun from her basket and shot the wolf dead

i) If you were narrating this story, how would you ensure your audience remains glued to the story?                                                                                                 (3 marks)

i) How would you say the words of the girl and the wolf in your narration?       (2 marks) ii) How would you prepare yourself to effectively tell the story?                         (3 marks)

  • Your class wants to put up a play. You have to decide which of the two plays among your setbooks to perform. Your teacher has asked you to lead a group discussion to choose one.

What will you do to make sure the discussion remains calm and constructive?                 

(4 marks)

  • For each of the following words, write another that is pronounced the same way but is spelt differently and has a different meaning.                                                  (3 mks)

i) Know   ……………………………….. ii) Gate    ……………………………….. iii) Bare   ………………………………..

        d) Indicate the appropriate intonation at the end of each sentence.        (4 marks)

i) Have all the students been registered?                ………………… ii) Stop wasting time.       ……………

  1. That was superb!                         ………………………
  2. There is hope for Cancer patients.                   …………………………
  3. Mary cannot bear children

i)Identify the above genre.                                                                    (1 marks ii)Give the two possible meanings of the above    (2 marks) iii) Give one function of the above genre.          (1 marks)

  • Complete the telephone conversation below with appropriate responses.(7 mks)

You: ……………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

Teacher:  Yes, you may come in. How can I help you, Maria?

You: Sorry to bother you, Sir. Could you please show me Mr. Karanja’s desk?

Teacher: ……………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

You: He has sent me to pick a Geography textbook from his desk and to ask you to assist us with a pair of binoculars. 

Teacher: The desk is over there. The book should just be on the table.

You: ………………………………………………………………………. (1 mark)

Teacher: ………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

You:  Oh, here it is. You were right, Sir, it must have fallen from the desk.

Teacher: Now hurry up. The lesson is almost over and the teacher must be waiting for the book.

You: ………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)

Teacher: Oh, sorry. Here is the pair of binoculars. Be careful as you handle since its casting is broken.

You: ……………………………………………………… (1 mark)

Teacher: ……………………………………………………………… (1 mark



Read the poem below and then answer the questions that follow.

When, in disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes, 

I all alone beweep my outcast state, 

And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, 

And look upon myself and curse my fate, 

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, 

Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, 

Desiring this man’s art and that man’s scope, 

With what I most enjoy contented least, 

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising; 

Haply I think on thee, and then my state, 

(Like to the lark at the break of day arising) 

From sullen earth sings hymns at heaven’ss gate,

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings  That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

(William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29)


i) Identify any four pairs of words that rhyme in this poem.    (2 marks) (ii)  Give two instances of alliteration in this poem.    (2 marks)

iii) Imagine you are performing this poem to learners who are visually impaired.  Explain

four ways in which you would ensure that they get the message effectively. (4mks)

           Identify any five pairs of homophonesin the list below.                               (5 marks)

phloem mad             heir
floors           flaws            berry
hair coarse          flame
clause           mud
course           cause
close           cloze
bold          bald
floss           air
phlegm bury

Provide two words for each of the following sounds.(2 marks)

           /a:/                                         /ȝ:/

  1. I)
  2. II)    

The underlining indicates the stressed word in the sentences below.   Briefly explain what each sentence means.(3 mks) Mary bought a present for John.

Mary bought a present for John. 

           Mary bought a present for John.       

Using a riddle of your choice , explain the riddling process. (6 marks)

Classify the following sub-genre. (2 marks)

Ken can can a can of curled kales

The following is a conversation between a father and his daughter. 

 DAUGHTER:  (shortly having arrived home from school) Good afternoon,  Daddy

FATHER:(Sitting complacently in the sofa, reading a newspaper. Looking up…..) Good afternoon (Resumes reading)

DAUGHTER: (Holding out her school report form) Daddy, I’m excited. My teacher said

I was the best improved. I was………..

FATHER:Oh, you were? Me, I used to be number one. I was absolutely unbeatable.

DAUGHTER: Chemistry has been a  particular headache ( now looking  at the report form  which she thought her father  would  want to see), but this time……. FATHER:(Stretching his arms, looking  preoccupied)           Chemistry for  me was particular easy.           I never scored anything less than 90%

DAUGHTER: Dad, I was going to tell you that this time……. FATHER:(Absent  minded) by the way, where  is your  mum?

DAUGHTER: Mum is in the garden  picking vegetables. But dad, you’re not  listening to  my story. I was telling you about Chemistry

FATHER:You mean you have a story about chemistry? Chemistry is not about stories. It is hard science.

DAUGHTER: It’s about  my improvement……..

FATHER:(laughing) me,  it wasn’t matter of  improvement. I was always at the top of the class

DAUGHTER: Daddy, I give  up. You’re not listening

FATHER:( looking surprised) Listening? I heard you: you were talking about improvement in chemistry, weren’t you?

DAUGHTER: anyway, Dad. Thank you for paying attention. Enjoy your newspaper.

FATHER:Oh yes, I’m reading an interesting story about politics


           Identify four ways in which the father can improve his listening skills                   ( 4mks)



1.          ORAL SKILLS 

Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. 


The sun spun like  a tossed coin, it whirled on the azure sky, it clattered into the horizon, it clicked in the slot and neon light popped  and bunked a time expired  as an parking meter. 

(Oswald NbuyoseniNtshali)

  1. Describe the rhyme scheme of this poem.                                          (2mks)
  2. How would you say the last line of this poem?                                  (2mks)
  3. State any two onomatopoeic words in the poem.                               (2mks)
  4. Identify any other sound pattern used in the poem.                            (1mk)
  5. State and illustrate three non-verbal cues that you would use to make the reiteration of the above poem more meaningful and interesting.     (3mks)

Read the conversation below then answer the questions that follow

Rehema:        Good morning Aisha ?
Aisha :Good morning. 
Rehema:        (Frowning) You don’t look happy … what is the matter? 
Aisha :I have just received a call from home, and…
Rehema:          Ah, these fellows from home always calling. My mother also called me. 
Aisha :Well, in my case, it is bad news. My brother…
Rehema:         As I was saying. My mother called me, and all she wanted to tell me is

               that they’re fine (shaking her head absent mindedly). 

Aisha :           My brother was involved in a car accident. But you are not listening… 

Rehema          :        What did you say? 

Aisha :           (despairingly) I give up. 

i. What kind of a listener is Rehema? Illustrate your answer?     (4mks) ii. What should Rehema do to improve her listening skills?  (5mks) Place each of the following words under the respective sounds of the underlined letters.


v) Charode Church vi) Charisma  Chassis vii) Machine Chaos 

viii) Challenge  Champagne  ix) Charge        Chorus  /K/       /S  /      /  ∫   /                    

iv)        Provide another word pronounced as the one given        (4mks)

  • Oar_____________________________________________________
  • Pore____________________________________________________
  • Birth____________________________________________________ Earn____________________________________________________


      1.       ORAL SKILLS

      a)      Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow


When I reached the threshold

The gate was quickly locked

Though loud and long knocked

They left me in the cold

I stood outside for long

Wondering what was wrong

Honour wouldn’t let me

A peeping to be

When night tiptoed behind

Me a stranded pilgrim

Ah, I made up my mind

To fight on for my dream

I crashed open the gate

Uncaring it was wrong

Wow, I was hugged with a song – 

A welcome initiate


i)    How has rhythm been achieved in the poem?                                               (2 marks) ii)       How would you say the last two lines of the poem and why?                        (2 marks) 

iii) Which words would you stress in the first stanza line 4 of this poem?           (2 marks) b) Identify the silent letters in the following words                                   (4 marks) i)       Honour  ii)   Could  iii)    Badge iv)     Receipt

      c)       Identify the odd one out in each of the following sets of words             (4 marks)

  1. Respect, resist, religion, referee 
  2. Resign, resolve, advise, waste………………………………
  3. Usual, visual, pleasure, passion………………………………………………………. iv) Chef, chin, chic, chauffer……………………………………………………………..

d)   The underlining indicates the stressed word in the sentences below. Briefly explain what each sentence means.                                                                                 (3 marks)

i)    Amanda rode the bus to school ii)       Amanda rode the bus to school iii)       Amanda rode the bus to school

  • A Non-governmental Organization is seeking to recruit form four graduates to serve as

clerks. You have been invited for an interview. Explain briefly what you will do before and

        during the interview.                                                                  (6 marks)

  • Read the following telephone conversation and answer the questions that follow.

Secretary: (phone rings) Hello, Masomo Secondary School. How may I help you?

Caller: I want to speak to my mother.

Secretary: May I know who your mother is please?

Caller: (impatient and irritated) I have said I want to speak to my mother.

Secretary: Excuse me, I don’t know who your mother is. Could you please tell me her name? Caller: (shouting) You have been working in that institution for the last ten years and you don’t know Mrs. Marita?

Secretary: (politely) oh, Mrs. Marita? She has just stepped out shortly. May I take a message for her please?

Caller: (bangs the receiver).

  1. Identify three instances that show the caller’s lack of etiquette          (3 marks)
  2. What shows that the secretary demonstrates professional conversational skills during the telephone conversation?                                                                         (4 marks) 



(a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Words going around and around

Like in a washing machine,

Only there in my head,

I pluck one out and put it aside,

There is more going around again,

Through the dark tunnel the words continue to spread The poem is almost done.

Reading it out aloud stuttering as I go,

I’m pleased with what I have done,

Writing words I don’t stutter

As my oral words have done

I’m glad I wrote this poem,

I can write what I can’t say, And be understood in every way,

I’ve been given a voice.

                                         Tracey McFayden

  • Identify the rhyme scheme of the poem.                                  (2marks)
  • Other than rhyme, what two other mnemonic devices has the poet employed?          


  • How would you say the following lines in the poem?             (4marks) a)   Line 1, stanza 1, 

b)  Line 2, stanza 2, 4.  

Imagine that the school nurse has sent you to the principal’s office to pass him urgent information.  He is in the middle of a meeting and as you walk through the doors he rises and begins walking towards you.

  1. What two things must you do before you begin talking to him?           (2 marks)
  2. What two non-verbal cues will you employ to pass the message without distracting the

        on-going meeting?                                                                                         (2marks)

        5.      Pick the silent letters from the words listed below.                                (4 marks)

  1. Subtle     ____
    1. Handsome  ____
    1. Nestle     ____
    1. Clothes   _____
  2. Indicate intonation in the sentences that are in bold.   (4 marks)  Student:   Sir, I did not participate in the riots.  Teacher: I can hear you, speak on…

                Student:       Don’t you believe me?

                Teacher:      Keep talking Allan.  Why do you seem to doubt yourself?

                Student:      Alright, I just hope that you will be fair and just in your decision.

     Teacher:      Don’t worry.  Leave everything to me.         Student:       Alright Sir.

  • From the following sets of words, pick the one with an odd sound. ( 4 marks)

 i) Bird     heard   car  world.   ……………………………………….  ii)  cup  slap hut bud………………………………………………….  iii)  widget switch journey gender……………………………………  iv    measure  pleasure  azure sure……………………………………

  • Supply homophones to the following words.                                     (4 marks)

                          New            ______________________________

                          Due             ______________________________

                          Fairy           ______________________________

                          Write           _____________________________              



(a) Read the following riddling session and then answer the questions that follow.Challenger:  Catch a riddle!

Respondent:   I catch it!

Challenger:    My coat changes colour with age and when unclothed, I feed you.

                 Respondent 1:          A tree

Challenger:    No

                 Respondent 2:          A coconut?

Challenger:   Still not correct. Try harder.

                 Respondent 3:          Then we are beaten. Give us the answer.

Challenger:   Only if you give me a reward.

                 Respondent 1:           We give you Kijiji

Challenger:   No. I will not take Kijiji. The people are as cold and unwelcoming as can                                     be.

                 Respondent 2:          We give you Mugunda with its entire fertile land and fat cattle.

Challenger:    I went to Mugunda and the people of Mugunda asked me to greet you. Do                                     you receive the greetings?

                  Respondents:           Yes, we do.

Challenger:   The answer is – – – banana.

  • Identify the six stages of riddling cycle in this riddling session.        (6 marks)
  • What non-verbal cues would the challenger use in response to each offer of the prizes? 

                                                                                                (2 marks)

  • How would you say the following statement? The answer is – – – banana    (2 marks)
  • You speak to a group of form ones about an issue of concern and you notice during the talk that many of them are dozing, yawning, fidgeting and sitting carelessly. What would this

        mean to you?                                                                   (4 marks)

  • Who and when would one do the following?                                              (2 marks)
    • Curtsy
    • Bow
  • Provide another word that is identical in pronunciation to the underlined words in the sentences below.                                                                               (5 marks)
  • Why did the idle bridal party groan?
  • The bear caught the whale.

(e) Indicate the intonation in the following sentences                               (3 marks)

  • Are you going to the meeting?
  • Where is your friend?
  • I saw him yesterday.

(f) You are a member of a discussion group.

  • Identify three ways through which you would know that it is your turn to speak.  

                                                                                                (4 marks)

  • How would you encourage the other person to continue talking in a conversation? 

                                                                            (2 marks)


Trial 16-22

Trial 1-5

Trial 1-15


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