Form 2 Islamic Religion Questions and Answers End Term Exam

1.   a) Reasons Qur’an was not compiled during the time of the prophet. (7MKS)

i.    Lack of writing materials.

ii.   Arabs depended on memory so they simply memorized.

iii.  The prophet as a source of reference was still alive.

iv.  Most Arabs did not know how to read and write.

v.   Revelation was still on.

vi.  Some verses were to be abrogated.

vii. The chapters were not received as a whole but in portions.

viii.            The prophet died a few days after the last revelation.

ix.  Allah did not command the prophet to do so.

b) Answers on the panel of compilers of the Quran(5MKS)

i.    Abdullah bin Masound ( R.A)

ii.   Ali bin abi Talib (R.A)

iii.  Sayyidna Uthman bin Affan (R.A)

iv.  Ubay bin ka’ab (R.A)

v.   Abdallah (R.A)

vi.  Amr bin al as (R.A)

vii. Aisha (R.A.A)

viii.            Hafsa (R.A.A) ix.        Umm salama

x.   Alon zayd (R.A)

2.   a) Factors that necessitated compilation of Hadith in the Error of scholars. (6MKS)

i.    Death of the prophet.

ii.   Swahabas had time due to no wars (peaceful error)

iii.  The need to interpret the Qur’an.

iv.  The need for a source of reference.

v.   Emergency of false Hadiths.

vi.  Differences in opinions concerning the Islamic laws.

vii. Death of most of the memorizers of Hadith.

b) F2 Exam Question: Role of Hadith in modeling behavior. (5MKS)

i.    It gives guidance on how to behave in daily life and under different situations.

ii.   Hadith give guidance on how people in the society should relate.

iii.  Give guideline on how we should treat those who are needy in the society.

iv.  It teaches us on manners i.e manners of eating sleeping, toileting, e.t.c

v.   It teaches us how to relate with our parents

vi.  It teaches us how to behave towards our leaders

vii. Hadith teaches us on virtues i.e patience, Anger control

viii.            Hadith teaches us on how to make decisions.

3.   a) Why is prophet Muhammed the last prophet. (7MKS)

i.    He received Qur’an which is the last book.

ii.   The other books had already promised of the coming of the last book and the last prophet.

iii.  He is the Imam of the prophets.

iv.  The prophet himself confirmed that he was the last prophet.

v.   Attributes of the prophet such as Al-Agib exposed him as the last one.

vi.  The prophet was sent to the last Ummah

vii. He was given a Universal message.

viii.            Both Qur’an and Sunnah confirms the finality of the prophet reffering him to Khatam Nabiyyin.

b) Significance of the belief in Qiyama. (8MKS)

i.    It is the fifth pillar of Iman therefore it is a fundamental belief for one to be a Muumin.

ii.   It makes us lead a righteous life

iii.  It promotes virtues such as patience, prayerful, centrally anger

iv.  Enables us to relate well in order to get the mercy of Allah.

v.   It enhances us to perform tawbah.

vi.  It gives man courage to avoid and fight evils

vii. It strengthens the belief I prophets who taught us to believe in that day.

viii.            Man develops confidence and recognizes the power of Allah. (S.W.T)

ix.  It instills tagwa in human hearts.

x.   It clearly states the relationship between man and God.

4.   a) Types of saum (10MKS)

i.    Faradh – compulsory (Ramadhan)

ii.   Sunnah – optional (Monday & Thursdays)

iii.  Kafarah – expiation of a wrong done

iv.  Qadhaa – making up for days missed during Ramadhan.

v.   Nadhir – fasting to fulfill a vow.

b) Nullifiers of saum. (6MKS)

i.    Eating or drinking voluntarily

ii.   Vomiting intentionally

iii.  Post – natal bleeding

iv.  Menstruation

v.   Ejaculation of sperms

vi.  Taking supplements and nutritional injections.

vii. Comminuting murder intentionally.

viii.            An intention to break the fast.

ix.  Losing consciousness/senses

x.   When one denounce Islam.

5.   a) Rationale: Why Prophet Muhammad was Marriede.(6MKS)

i.    It was practice of the past prophets i.e suleiman, (A.S) yagub (A.S) Ibrahim (A.S) so the prophet was not an exception.

ii.   To eradicate the Qur’aish traditions and prejudices i.e prophet married his wives from other tribes which Quraish never considered this ended the stratus in the society.

iii.  To establish and implement sharia i.e. The prophet married zainab bint jahash the x – wife of zayyid bin Harith a foster son of the prophet showing an adopted son is not blood related to the family.

iv.  To rehabilitate the widows.

v.   Foster good relationship between Muslims and non-Muslim

vi.  To disseminate Islamic knowledge and in particular enforce domestic laws.

b) Reasons for polygamy in Islamic Religion (Exam). (7MKS)

i.    If the first wife cannot bear children.

ii.   If the population of women is higher than that of men.

iii.  If the first wife is chronically ill.

iv.  For preservation and maintenance of family.

v.   To increase population.

vi.  To satisfy men with strong sexual urge.

vii.   If a man has surplus wealth.

c) How the Muslim family serves as bedrock of the Muslim Society

i.    It serves as the strong foundation of child nursing of the society

ii.   Marriage is a shield for decency and value.

iii.  The family, through marriage, is expressed as a legal matrimonial bond to be proclaimed in the name of Allah.

iv.  Man, the husband, is responsible for live hood-earning and substance of his wife.

v.   The wife has the full time opportunity to fulfill her duty of motherhood, child upbringing, household and chores.

vi.  The family provides the stable environment for love, comfort and mutual compassion for a healthy Islamic education of the child.

vii. The family, through marriage, ensure cooperation of the couple in the establishment of true Islam in themselves, their home and children.

viii.            The family is therefore the first cornerstone and constitutive unit in the structure of the Muslim society.

6.   a) Migration as a turning point in the history of Islam(10MKS)

i.    Warm reception by yathribes

ii.   The name Yathrib was changed to Madinah.

iii.  The population of Muslims grew rapidly.

iv.  Muslima overcame the pagans and became the religion of the whole peninsula.

v.   The prophet’s status was elevated.

vi.  Muslims could now participate in battles.

vii. Muslims became politically superior.

viii.            Madina became the city of Muslims.

ix.  Islamic calendar dates back to the period of migration.

x.   Muslims formed strong armies.

xi.  The propagated Islam peacefully.

b)  Causes of battle of badr (4MKS)

i.    Muslims wanted to instill fear to the Quraish.

ii.   Muslims wanted to compensate for the loss of their properties in Makkah.

iii.  Muslims wanted to cut off the access of the Quraish traders to Syria.

iv.  Muslims had increased in number and now they could revenge for persecution.

c) The farewell speech themes. (7MKS)

i.    Islamic brotherhood.

ii.   Equality of mankind.

iii.  Elimination of racism.

iv.  Eradication of slavery

v.   Improvement of status of women.

vi.  Religions tolerance

vii. Propagation of Islam.

7.   Contribution of sheik al Farsy to Islam. (7MKS)

i.    He worked as a senior kadhi in Zanzibar and in Kenyan.

ii.   He authored books to enrich peoples with the knowledge of Islam.

iii.  He translated the Qur’an into Kiswahili.

iv.  Advocated for separate Muslim schools.

v.   He called for introduction of Islamic studies in the secular education curriculum

vi.  He contributed to establishment of madrasa system in East Africa.

vii. He lectured and organized seminars in mosques to educate the youth.

viii.            He advocated for girl child education.

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